
Japanese Restaurant in London (Yokoya)(ロンドンにある和食レストラン“Yokoya”へ)

The first half of November 2015

 Today, I spontaneously went to Camden Town with my senior and classmates. Some of my friends said this town is interesting. As they said, there were various kinds of shops around the station.
 We took Nothern Line. And we walked along the Camden high street opposite to Camden Rock. When we turned the corner of The Blues Kitchen (this restaurant also looks very nice!), we found Japanese restaurant. It looked very nice. So we decided to go.
 This is a room of the restaurant. It was not too big and not too much Japanese traditional style. I like such a fashionable place! Fortunately, all of us could go and seat there.

 Foods and drinks were wonderful! Tonight, we could order Japanese traditional foods. And tastes of them let me to remember Japanese dishes… We enjoyed toasted tea, Japanese beer (Sapporo, Asahi, Kirin), “edamame” (young green soya bean), “sushi”, “sake”, boiled pork (“kakuni”) and “Udon” (Japanese white noodle). Especially, Raw fish of Scottish salmon was wonderful.

 This restaurant’s owner may be Japanese. Because there were only Japanese staffs (who can speak English very well). Lastly, we could enjoy Matcha (Japanese green tea) ice cream and chou a la crème (! We also can enjoyed Italian and French. I forgot to take a picture. But pasta of truffe (separate from course) in this restaurant was very nice!).

 I always like to enjoy origin food in London. But sometimes I miss Japanese food. In this time, I will go to this restaurant again. It has familiar atmosphere and very nice!

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