
Camden Town (Making a tour of the markets!)(朝のマーケット巡り(バラ・マーケット~カムデンロック))

14th November 2015, Saturday

 When I got up in the morning, it wasn’t rainy yet. But, as weather forecast said, it became rain after I finished my shopping at the Waitrose…(today’s dinner was gratin of chicory (Belgian dish)!) Anyway…I decided to go to the 2 famous market.

 Just in time I went to the Camden town Friday (yesterday) night (and enjoy Japanese food and sake) and discovered that the Camden Lock can be easily accessed from Borough market.

 I went to the Borough market September. So I could remember various nice shop in the market! And I also remember the way to the street stall of delicious pie! (After I went out from the Borough market entrance of “London Bridge station”, turned left (on the right side, there is the way to the London Bridge Pier station!) and walked along the street, when I see cafeteria on the right side, the Borough market was soon. I saw nice greengrocer’s shop for the first time. And I went into the market and walked street, turned right and walk through the tunnel. Then I could find nice street stalls of pie, bakery, Turkish sweets, Lithuanian sweets and so on!)
 さすがに9月にも来たので、良いお店がたくさんあり、中でもパイスタンドのあるところが素敵だったのを覚えていました(念のため・・ロンドン橋駅 バラ・マーケット出口を出て左に曲がり、まっすぐ行き、右にカフェをみたら、すぐにマーケット到着。いきなり素敵な八百屋さんがあり、たくさんの野菜が目に飛び込んできます。八百屋さんの間を通り抜けてまっすぐ行き(サイダーとかワインを売っているお店に行ったら、行き過ぎ。)、右に行って、トンネルのようなところを抜けると、パイスタンドやベーカリーやリトアニアのお菓子、トルコのお菓子等がたくさん売っているところに出ます!)

 Today, I also found cute cookie and chocolate cake at the cinnamon tree bakery (near street stalls of pie). I bought biscuits in the shape of owl, ginger man and delicious chocolate cake. Also, I found Lithuanian sweet shop near the bakery and bought thin cookies.

 Anytime I visited the market, I could find nice goods at this market. I would like to visit there again!!
 Next, I went to the Camden lock. When I happened to pass the market, it was very crowded so I gave up to enjoy it. But, according to my friend, this market wouldn’t be so crowded in the morning. I came back to the London Bridge station and took Northern Line toward Camden town!!

 I found the “Bank” station (Is it the place where the bank that Mr Banks (in Mary Pippins) work for is located??) on my way to the Camden.

 This is Camden market. …And, people who didn’t give up to go to the market although it was rain…There were Stables market and Camden Lock. 2 markets were connected so I could go through directly.

 There are Chinese foods. Looks delicious!

 There were also Thai foods, Malaysian cuisines, Indian foods and so on. Also, I could find nice accessory, clothes at the market. I enjoyed very well! (It was not so crowded because it was morning and rainy.)

 After I enjoyed the market, I tried fish & chips (I chose “cod”) at the Poppie’s Fish & Chips. It was the first time to try and so nice!!! The fish is fried crispy. And the fish was not so soggy and tasted very good. I enjoyed it with half pint beer.

 This restaurant is near by Oxford Arms.

 It was rain. I also like London's rainy weather!

 This is King’s Cross station on my way toward Camden town. I could find plat form 9 and three fourths. It was very crowded…


Harry Potter’s shop!

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