
Tunbridge Wells  タンブリッジウェル~ライ への小旅行へ!part 1

31th October 2015, Saturday

 This time, I challenged to make a plan to short journey. This was a big challenge because I hadn’t been in London so for a long time. But I like a things like this…. I got up early and go to the Tunbridge Wells (not Tonbridge! This place may be good place, but….).

 I was walking around Galverley grounds near the Tunbridge Wells station. I felt autumn’s coming! Many trees turned red and yellow…!!
 駅の近くに素敵なガルベリー庭園という場所があるので、少し散策しつつ、ホテルの方に教えていただいた“パンタイルズThe Pantiles”へと向かいました。庭園の紅葉は素晴らしく、秋の到来を感じさせます。

 I walked straight along the Mount Pleasant Road and High street toward “The Pantiles”. Kind concierge of my hotel gave a map and show me the way for me. After I arrived at Warwick Road, I lost my way because it is not “straight” way. But I could arrive the beautiful street at last. This is Pantiles!! It was fashionable!

 This is a visitor center located in the middle of the Pantiles. Firstly I went into there because I wanted to join a walking tour conducted by a blue badge guide.

 I went to the center after I ate delicious scone and a cup of the tea in one of the Patisserie. And I could good horse ware shop along the street.

 The tour was the most useful tools to know about this place. Today, I was only one customer to join this tour. So I collected much information from this tour. She talked about medieval. And I was surprised many times because this story was interesting.

 This place “Chalybeate Spring” is the beginning of “Royal Tunbridge Wells”. I mean, only 3 place was named as “Royal” and the reason why Tunbridge Wells named “Royal” is…this hot spring. This spring includes iron very well. So sometimes it expressed “making a bicycle from the water”. Many people came to this place to “drink” the spring. And, (if I could understand properly) in the medieval period, people drank 14 pints of hot spring water per 1 day!!! (surprising….).
 中世のパンタイルズの始まりは、Chalybeate Springと呼ばれる、鉄分をとても多く含む“飲む”温泉だということです。あまりに鉄分が多いため、たまに、水で自転車をつくるという表現もされるとか。これが飲む温泉として有名になり、更にイギリスに3つしかないロイヤルの称号をいただくにいたった所以だということです。そしてなんと、私の聞き間違えでなければ、人々は、健康のために、1日に14パイントの温泉の水を飲むようにしたそうです。驚きの連続のツアーでした。

 By the way, Pantiles was derived from….I could understand the tile was made by heavy clay from Kent and the red one is iron but I couldn’t catch the meaning of the ‘Pan’…

 This is the church where Christopher Robin had visited with Winnie the Pooh! King Charles the Martyr Church had majestic atmosphere but had interesting stories. One of them was…on the celling of the church, mustache angel (who is loved by people) is staying and looking at visitors!
 このキングチャールズ マーティル教会は、プーさんで有名なクリストファーロビンも訪れたことがあるらしいです。荘厳な雰囲気ながらも、面白い話がたくさんある教会でした。

 This is a good way for walking without a car or big traffic. Because people was moving by “Sedan chair” (like a human power’s car “人力車”? I taught this Japanese for the tour guide!).

 She said, Tunbridge Wells has many “best” things (such as, the biggest window in the Europe!). I recommend all people to join this tour!!

 Today, it was beautiful sunny day! This picture was taken from the top of the “Tunbridge Wells Common”. The hotel concierge recommended me to go. Tunbridge Wells was beautiful town.

 I like decoration of Halloween in my hotel!

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