
Rye タンブリッジウェル~ライ への小旅行へ! Part 2

1st November 2015, Sunday

  In the morning, I was walking around the hotel in a foggy weather feeling mysterious atmosphere. I could enjoy it. Because it is different from yesterday!

 This is my breakfast! I ordered English full breakfast. So nice!

 The station of Tunbridge Wells was partially closed today. But, as for me, it was no problem because the train I wanted to take was not affected.

 At last, I arrived Rye! … after waiting for a train at the Hastings for around 1 hour! It was bad connection… However, I could enjoy my short staying at the Hastings. The weather of Hastings was sunny! I could stay there enjoying a sun bath, hearing seagull’s twitter. (Hastings a port town. So there are a lot of seagulls!)

 Rye was very beautiful town.
 As written in Japanese guide book, walking along Church Square, Watchbell Street and Mermaid Street is wonderful. I could find Tudor style houses. Also, during my walking, I could find nostalgic town of Rye…when I suddenly looked a small side road, when I looked the ships on the Rock Channel…. I felt as if I was in a medieval!

↓Mermaid Street

 The most impressible things is marvelous view from the top of the St. Mary’s church and view from Ypres Tower.
 St. Mary’s church has one of the oldest clock in UK. I could see the interior of the clock while getting on the tower toward the top of the church. I strongly recommend that everyone who visits Rye visit to Mary’s church and try to go on the tower!! I could see whole Rye from the top. It was….so beautiful (intangible)…..!!!

 Ypres Tower has deep historical meaning. So I visited there solemnly. The landscape from the access point of view was wonderful. I could see a fisherman’s workplace from the tower, hearing seagull’s song.

 This is model town in Heritage Center.

 I could also enjoy delicious lunch. It is Welsh Rarebit (It was like a cheese toast. But it also contained something.) made by Madan from Rye! This was made by using a secret recipe.
 こちら、本日のランチです。ウェルシュ レアビットというチーズトーストですが、秘密レシピにより作られているとメニューにあるとおり、中に色々なものが入っていて美味しいです。ガイドブックによると、この街出身の夫人が手作りしているのだとか!

 This may be traditional British style shop! There were many kinds of sweets!! The shop assistant explain me about British sweets. I chose two (the center of the picture) that he recommended.

 I arrived Rye station at 4 pm (so there were no station staff. The ticket center is always closed at around 3 pm) and waited for the train to Ashford.
 By the way…These station’s name! Rye⇒Appledore⇒Ham Street⇒Ashford…This is interesting!

  This is my dinner. Harry Potter sometimes ate stake & kidney pie. So I wanted to eat it.

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