
Hampstead Heath&Liberty (Oxford circus station)(ハムステッドヒースからリバティ(オックスフォードサーカス駅)へ

<22th November 2015, Saturday>

 Today, I went to Hampstead Heath. One of my senior recommend me to go. And I expect that the view from Parliament Hill (part of the Heath) must be good when it is sunny.

 Same as yesterday, today is cold. I had to wear a coat and groves. Without warm ware, I couldn’t go out. This temperature told me the real London winter would be coming…
 To reach the Heath, I had many ways. But today, I took a train and arrived there by Overground. Sometimes I prefer overground rail to underground rail, especially in winter. This is winter so I was happy to take it.
 From Hampstead Heath station of London Overground, it took only 1 minutes to the entrance of Heath. Everyone aimed to go to the Parliament Hill!

 On my way the top of the hill, I found beautiful pond. I remembered some ponds in Japan (For example, “Kumoba”-pond in “Karuizawa” in “Nagano” prefecture). I could see clear sky and the pond that reflected the sky. I also saw shimmering water. It was wonderful!

 To reach the top of the hill, I had to use my energy as other persons did. But the view was splendid! I could see everything. Gherkin, St Paul’s Cathedral, The Shard, Kings Cross Gasholder….It was same as I looked on the internet web site of the Heath.

 There were some dogs. They looked happy. Yesterday, they might be rest morning walk due to snow.
 I found cute swans.

 This pond is named as No.1 pond. Ann might name it at “Swan lake”!

 I stayed at the Heath and enjoyed wonderful time. This place is in London. But I couldn’t believe that. It was as if I went to a mountain. I was completely relax!

 Next, I aimed to Liberty. Japanese guidebook said “Liberty print” in London is one of essential things to do. And I thought delightful design of the print may help me to be happy although it is rain.
 This was better than I expected. Firstly, the building was very good. And secondly, shop assistants of this department were the politest (in my opinion). Also, I could get cute Liberty card when I bought small coaster. A shop assistant taught me how to make it. The design of the card was very nice. I became happier than before.

 Today, I could enjoy window shopping of nice department as well as beautiful landscape and clear air of the Hampstead Heath. I love such a nice Sunday!!

<An extra blog “Kenwood house”>

 In fact, I have been in Kenwood House in the Hampstead Heath. At that time, I searched nothing about the Heath. Therefore, I lost my way and lost my power to write a blog…..But, this house was wonderful. Building was beautiful. And I could see a lake from the house.

 In this house, there were great pictures and housewares (like antiques). A rich man bought everything to keep them fine. This man tried to protect UK’s important traditional things. Thanks to his effort, we could enjoy wonderful things and learn history from these exhibition.

 This is one of the oldest wheelchairs. It is historical thing and worth while seeing once.

 This is wonderful clock. I love seeing various kinds of clock. The oldest clock in St Mary Church (in Rye) was impressive. And it also so impressive because it was beautiful but functional.

 I believe that no one can enjoy both (Kenwood house and Parliament Hill) in a same day. This heath is very big. But if I could find good way, I would try to enjoy both in a same day. I imagine that seeing exhibition of the house after walking around the hill should be very good.

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