
Go to the Winne the Pooh’s country!(Hart field) プーカントリー(ハートフィールド村)へ!

 17th October 2015, Saturday

 Starting of this short journey is Charing Cross Station! This is the first time to take National train. My father’s kind friend teach me that taking long distance train in UK is so wonderful. So, I decided to plan a short journey toward Hartfield (Winnie the Pooh’s country).

 One of my friends recommended me to go there when I was in a Japan. And I like Pooh’s story, especially the story in winter. So, Hart field is attractive place for me!!
From London, I should go to Tunbridge Wells station from Charing Cross station by national train (around 1 hour). Also, I should take a bus of line 291 to the “Hartfield (Hay Wagon)” (around 20 min).
 今回は、クマのプーさんの故郷を訪れました。私が日本でお世話になった方が勧めて下さった場所であり、プーさんの話(特に冬に散歩する話)が好きな私にとっては魅力的な場所です。Charing Crossからは、ナショナルトレインに乗ってTunbridge Wellsで下車し(1時間ぐらいかかります)、更に291番のバスに乗ります(20分ぐらいかかります)。

↓Charing Cross station

 “Pasty” is sold (*in Charing Cross)!!

 I like view from the train.

 This station is Tonbridge. I mistook this station for Tunbridge Wells. So I was likely to get out….
 Tunbridge Wells駅の直前に、なんとTonbridgeという駅があります!間違って降りそうになりました・・・

 After I got off a train, I crossed the street near the station. And I arrived at the bus station “Station Stop U.
 I could find nice garden “Calverley Grounds” near the bus stop!
 Tunbridge Wells 駅の前の道路を渡り、バス停Uに歩いて行ったところ、素敵な公園を発見!“Calverley Grounds”というところです。

 In London, we can free to use bus if we have a commutation ticket. But out of London, we should pay fare for the bus. It took around 7 pounds for return ticket.

 I went to the upstairs of the bus and see beautiful countryside view.

 At last, I am here! Hartfield was calm and good atmosphere. 

 This is a starting point to official walking course for Pooh Sticks Bridge.


 Pooh and his friends made a game with wood sticks at the bridge. This is why the bridge is named like this. Firstly, I had to get a map toward Pooh Sticks Bridge in the “Pooh Corner”. Let’s start!!
 Caution! There is no toilet during this walking course. So, I recommend everyone to go to the rest room in the Pooh Corner.

 I Walked following the map. I enjoyed fresh air and good atmosphere. But the way to the bridge is a little bit difficult. I always tried to find the way. So I couldn’t see this sight deliberately during the way to the bridge…!

 This is the way ??? It is not like an official walking course....

 I found a farm. So I tried to turn right to walk along the farm. But kind man and wife instructed proper way for me. Proper way is….the below!!??? Should I get on a step!? No way…..(in all respects)…

 Where is a way indeed!!!???

 Unbelievable! Horses and I are on the same field…

 I lost my way many times. Sometimes I inadvertently went into someone’s house…

 I am here!!

 The game is very simple. Pooh and his friend threw sticks to the river. And the winner is the owner of the stick which is reach fast at the other side of the bridge.
At last I understood about the meaning of this game. The flowing of the liver was slow. So they could make this game! Imagining about them is heartwarming…

 It took 1 hour plus 30 min for a walk (If I didn’t lose my way…). So it isn’t near from the Pooh Corner. But everyone can enjoy the way to the bridge (because it is thrilling) and the way from the bridge (because we can enjoy nature and beautiful view!).
 So, I can recommend you to try to go there!

 And, of cource, I enjoyed Pooh set (drinking a cup of tea with honey and scone) and Cornish Pasty.

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