
Sunday Roast  ついに、あこがれのサンデーローストに!!

25th October 2015, Sunday

 Sunday roast is one of the most important things to do in London. Before I came here, I had tried to collect good information about UK. And my English teacher from UK recommended me to try Sunday roast. I searched on internet about Sunday Roast. And I recognized that I could have Yorkshire Pudding. “Is this one that Harry Potter always have? O.K., I will try!”
 サンデーローストと言えば、私のいくつかあるロンドン版to do listのうちの一つだ。ここに来る前にイギリス情報を色々と収集したが、英国からいらした英語の先生に勧めていただき自分でも調べたところ、何と、ハリーポッターも確か食べていたヨークシャープディングなるものがある!?ということで、とても単純ながら、絶対いただこうと決意したのでした。

 I have some good friends in UK. And today, one of my friends invited me to have a Sunday Roast at the nice restaurant!

 This restaurant was so nice!
 We could have delicious meal listening to a jazz live performance…

 This is our Sunday Roast. It looks so nice, isn’t it !?

 I like such a lovely weekend!!

> Dear introducers,
 Thank you for inviting me to such a wonderful Sunday Roast! Atmosphere was good. Music was special. And….Sunday Roast was…very very delicious!! I would like to say thank you very much for you. I was very happy to have a good evening time with you.

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