
Cambridge ケンブリッジ

24th, January, 2016, Sunday

 Today, we joined footprints tours of Cambridge. It was a fine weather. Also, it was not so cold. In fact, some people caught a cold due to last week’s cold temperature (“God bless you!” for them.). So we are very lucky because temperature came to be warm. We went toward Cambridge from Kings Cross Station by train.

 Before joining the tour, we enjoyed a cup of coffee at Costa. I ordered a crumpet. Because one of friends from UK said that “I always has only a crumpet after Sunday Roast, because it is quite heavy for me…” So it must be traditional food in UK. It tasted like pleasant smelling and non-sweet pan cake???

 We found market place near starting point of walking tour. I could buy some England pottery and accessory of Harry Potter.

For lunch, we went the most famous pub “The Eagle”. This pub is near from the starting point of walking tour. In my knowledge, this pub is used one of the scene of Shakespearean play.  Also, I found another information about this pub through the tour. “The Eagle” is famous by visiting by DNA discoverer. And of course, they were studying in Cambridge.

We enjoyed Sunday Roast, beef pie, fish pie (It contains 2 kinds of fishes, cream, mash potatoes and cheese.), and so on. I found interesting ale beer named “Mery Jane”.

 During this tour, we gained a lot of good information.
Cambridge is university of course. But individual “college” is quite important. Because students is studying, living and having a dinner per each “college” unit.
 Almost all buildings has a long story. Tour guide told us about them. For example, some of buildings were established 600 hundreds years ago or more! Our tour was started in front of Kings Colleague.
ケンブリッジは、ケンブリッジ大学 (university) という1つの大きな名前がありながらも、実はそれぞれの科 (college) 単位で生活することになるため、科が重要な要素になっているということです。

 This clock was near the starting point of tour. This weird (sorry….) clock was metaphor of time eater. So sometimes it is not so precisely. It was made by the student who don’t want to be pressed by time. Also, it was designed inspired by water pour. Because the sense between water drop and time is similar each other. Of course this was designed by Cambridge students.

Because it is Sunday today, we couldn’t enter into colleges but it was not so bad. Because we entered one of the greatest collsge “Pembroke college”. These buildings was build many hundreds years ago. I like such a traditional atmosphere. And I like this stained glass of the church.

In the garden, I met a small robin flying toward us while explanation of tour guide. This small bird of Cambridge looks wise?

The most famous college “Kings College” was built in 1414. This chapel has interesting story; some students went up to the roof top, and decorated in one of the Christmas day……if you want to know about the story, I recommend you to join this tour.

Mathematic bridge was designed by (I am not sure, sorry…but I am sure it was not designed by Newton.) and using shape angle of woods. Through this explanation, I understood the origin of the name. This shape is very mathematic like, isn’t it?

Trinity College is the richest ones. It has O2 arena and all TESCO!! Also, Newton was graduated from the college. This was research room of him.

This statue has interesting story, he has gold orb in his left hand. And he has *** in his right. If you want to know about the story, I recommend you to join this tour. It was interesting story. And I understood Cambridge has great sense of humor.

Through walking tour of Cambridge, I gain a lot of information, and also, felt great history of UK. Indeed, UK is interesting. UK has quite interesting story and various history. I can’t be boring during my stay.

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