
Victoria and Albert Museum (V&A) ヴィクトリア&アルバート博物館

7th, February, 2016, Sunday

 Considering about some person’s recommendation, I visited V&A again. Thanks to fine weather, I took beautiful pictures as below;

 Same as before, entrance hall was beautiful.

 After I enjoyed a cup of tea in the cafeteria (located in Level 1, the place after through the John Madejski Garden. I could choose one of three rooms; Morris, Gamble and Poynter rooms. All of them were well designed. I couldn’t choose one of them.), I went to British exhibition. It was located in level 2 and 4. This museum is so big that I may not be able to see all exhibition. So to confirm destination in advance is quite important.
 This is cafeteria in Morris, Gamble & Poynter Rooms. To be honest, this tea is one of the best delicious ones in my experience.
 こちらがカフェです。場所はレベル1=入口と同じ階 にあり、庭を横切ると、美味しそうなお菓子とともにティールームが見えてきます。ウィリアムモリスがデザインした緑のティールームをはじめ3種類の部屋から1つを選んでお茶を楽しむことができます。全てのお部屋がとても素敵なデザインなので、どこでお茶をいただくのかとても悩みます・・・


 It is fine weather. Look at this! Rippling waves of garden pond is shining …

 level 2

 There were a lot of beautiful exhibition. These were not only beautiful but also told great history of UK.
 This is a container of salt. It was larger than now.

   In New Years cerebration, sometimes king give persons gifts as a return gift (no picture).

  This is priceless heraldic glass.

 This chair may be a gift for someone’s wedding by considering about decoration at the top of the 2 small animals.

 This is also wedding cerebration. And also, it is a gift desiring for giving healthy baby for new husband and wife.

 This is not made in UK. But symbol of ship was reflects a state of UK in the past. Because UK always trades with foreign countries by using ships. So people wore this kinds of symbol as accessory.

 This is amazing cup for alcohol. It looks 3 cups. But these were connected with each other…

 There were a lot of delicate silver table wares. Their beautiful shape taught me how persons in UK put an importance of atmosphere of dining.

 This exhibition taught me about British traditional tea ceremony. Don’t make sound, don’t reverse the leftover into a pot….

 In the past, people used silver pot and pottery tea bowl for tea ceremony. To use such a high conductive pot and cups without handle, people came to pay attention toward their behavior in the tea ceremony….It was quite impressive explanation. Today’s great afternoon tea custom in UK is based on these table wares!

 This is my favorite exhibition; musical clock. I could watch its movement via display next to this clock.

 level 4

 1850s, Japan started to join this kinds of trade. So British design is sometimes inspired by Japanese things.

 This is designed posters in 19s. Same as today’s UK posters, these were so attractive.

 I could learn British history of traditional cultures by seeing great exhibition in this museum.

 Today’s interesting thing. I found it in Japanese room at level 1.

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