
Getting a ticket of Wimbledon? ウィンブルドン行きの切符を手に入れて・・・?

31th, January, 2016, Sunday

 Wimbledon is one of the most famous tennis tournament. Everyone must be dreaming of getting a ticket and playing there…..
 I am one of them. But today, I went to Wimbledon Lawn Tennis Museum for the purpose of sightseeing.

 From London, I could access there by using District line bound for Southfield, and taking a bus from Southfield station (stop U) to Wimbledon Tennis Club & Museum (stop W). So how should I do in advance? By just buying an Oyster card, just it. Thanks to great public transportation system of London, I could get a ticket of Wimbledon bound very easy, quite smoothly…..

This district line has wide space. Seeing city view of London from the window was very comfortable, even if it was rainy.

 I have booked this tour via on-line. At the museum shop, I bought a ticket.
 We got together in front of the statue and the tour was started. From the beginning of the tour, the tour guide was exciting because today is the date of the game of Andy Murray (The result was, Andy Murray was beaten by Novak Djokovic….).

 This is an important roller. I remembered we should pull a roller before playing tennis on the clay court. But in this case, this roller was used by horse. I know that this kind of tool was quite important for tennis player. Thanks to the roller, players can play a tennis comfortably. This roller had already be graduated but been displayed as this was essential tool.

 This was No 1 court. According to the explanation, this Wimbledon was started as Croquet club. After tennis became famous, this club expanded its role and rename as “All England Croquet and Lawn Tennis Club” in 1899. No 1 court was built because space for customer was not enough due to jumping of popularity of tennis.

 This is picnic space named “Murray Mount”. He is loved by many British people because he is one of the most famous player in UK. People can bring alcohol to the extent it is reasonable (what does “reasonable” mean….).

And people show their ticket at this place. Anyway, if I could get a ticket for The Championships……

This space is not for public but for media like BBC. This grass was cut as a shape of tennis ball. In fact, Wimbledon become like English Garden during the tour. There were a lot of flowers and flowers in June! I imagined the landscape…..

 This is No 3 court, was No 2 court. This was built due to increasing customers. Also,  we should pay attention of the seat. In No 1 court, seats were not covered by vinyl because seats were made by solid and waterproof material. But these seats were made from comfortable soft material. So these should be covered by vinyl. Wimbledon was developed for making customer be comfortable just like this.

 This is club house for players. We could enter into it.

 What time is it in Tokyo???

 This is a press conference room. Let’s take a picture as if we become a professional tennis player.

Also, we could entered into center court. We were moved. In the center court, score board of the final round has been remained for a year. We could also see royal box.

 This tour was informative. Also, during this tour, we could find many posters like these. Don’t miss seeing them.

 Museum fee was included in the tour. I could find many information about tennis. The most interesting things was…

 Tennis was started as “Jeu de Paume” and was played by monks in France. At last I understood the meaning of “tennis” and “Thirty-love”. Tennis was from “tenez (means look out in French)”. The way of counting score of tennis game was from the number of the clock. 15 (min), 30 (min), 40 (min) instead of 45min (I expect there are some impatience persons)…. And “love” was from “ l’ouef (means egg in French)” in French. Because number zero looks like egg.

In addition to these explanation, I could find exhibition of tennis party. People drink a cup of tea and enjoy a tennis in medieval! I couldn’t imagine firstly. Because it is further difference with the tennis today.

 Knowing tennis is one of the most effective way to know about UK. Today, meaning of tennis game is changed compared with the past. I like both style. Because I believe that spirit of tennis was same between today and past. People loves tennis very much.

 In the museum, I could watch many valuable games like Mrs. L. W. King vs Mrs, B. M. Court, Ms C.M. Evert vs Mrs. L. W. King, R.G. Laver, B.R. Borg, Ms. M. Navratilova, Ilie Nastase…….

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