
Science Museum (clock, the oldest steam locomotive and telephone) 科学博物館(時計、世界最古の蒸気機関車、電話)

6th, February, 2016, Saturday

 Today, I went to Science Museum at South Kensington. There were a lot of people, including many children, even in the early morning! Firstly I decided to the place I wanted to go. And the next, I got a museum map of the museum….Where are exhibitions of clocks, telephones and steam locomotive….?

 There were 2 types of clock exhibition. One is focusing on design of the watch (2th, “The clockmakers museum”). The other is focusing on about the history (1th, “measuring time”).
There are the oldest clock & watch collection in the world. In medieval, people should be a member of a city guild to sell their products. These collections was gathered by the city guild of clocks, Worshipful Company of Clockmakers (it was an ancient guild).

 These are long-case (grandfather’s) clock. In the exhibition, these are expressed as long-case clock. Otherwise, one of customers explain about them for her children as grandfather’s clocks. According to web site, this name was from the famous song “grandfather’s clock” composed by Henry Clay Work. And this American composition wrote this song inspired by the long-case clock in the hotel in UK. Indeed, grandfather's clock must be important for people and have deep relationship with human's life.  Maybe due to people's love for these clocks, these had warm atmosphere.

 And this was very interesting. I knew one famous London pub “Sherlock Holmes” located near Strand street. But this is not related to the pub and the famous detective. But if you are fun of Holmes, why don’t see it and take a picture with this clock!!

 Clock’s history was started from sun clock (upper one). And next, water clock (lower one) came to be used. Lastly, electronic clocks were introduced. Until this, people struggled to achieve making precise clocks. Especially in the UK, people used ships to have trade with another country in the medieval. For safe trip to overseas, precise clock is one of the important things.
 Clocks were introduced by Germany and French. But British clocks tend to be made by brass although German clocks almost made by wood.

 Thinking about change and transition of shape of clocks is also interesting. Firstly, there were only big clocks (turret clock) in the public space such as church in UK. People loved to see beautiful watch. After that, grandfather clock, wall clock were introduced. Lastly, clocks became so smaller that people came to “wear” watch. This clock is second oldest turret clocks in the UK and was in the Wells Cathedra (1392). Fortunately, I was there 12:00. People enjoyed the sound of this great clock.

 This is a miniature of clockmaker’s workshop.

 Next, I went to see Graham Bell (from Scotland)’s exhibition. It was made by wood. Near the exhibition, there were a lot of interesting experienceable exhibition.

 This is telephone poll. This kind of polls existed around the UK in the past. But now it was replaced by another new technology.

 Look. This is typical London scenery, isn’t it?

Lastly, I went to see “Puffing Billy Locomotive” which is the oldest steam locomotive in the world. Partially, its body was made from wood. It was lovely!

 A coach!

 There were so many things to see within one day. It was good for learning various technological areas at the same time. And I could enjoy shopping at the entrance gift shop as well! There are many interesting and attractive products.

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