
National Gallery - Virtual journey into European countries, ナショナルギャラリー ~~バーチャルなヨーロッパへの旅へ

30th, January, 2016, Saturday

 Some people tries to go for a trip around Europe. I envy them because I can’t go due to some reasons….firstly, I am a student. I don’t have money enough…..And of course, I have no time to go. I have to study a lot because my English skill is quite poor!
 However, I have one great resolution. In London, we can go to various great museum for free! And I definitely believe that seeing various arts is one of the great way to enjoy many places. Even better than visiting on-site. I can feel everything through viewfinder of great artists!

 In the national gallery, there are many great arts of Europa; the 13-15th century in Sainsbury Wing, the 16th century in East Wing, the 17th century in West Wing, and the 18-20th century in North Wing.

 I could use audio guide by paying 4 pounds to the lending desk located near the step on the upstairs. Push “zero”, and push volume button to change languages, and push “circle”. Next, push “one” to listen to the introduction, or push proper number to listen to the explanation of individual pictures…I have no sense of using any machine…. (Thank you for the person in charge of this audio guide. She taught me how to use it very kindly.).

 I enjoyed while listening to explanation of each arts in English, and if available, in Japanese (Japanese is available only for selected pictures described in brochure).

 My favorite pictures is as below;

<Room No 51>
 The Virgin and Child Enthroned, with Narrative Scenes by Margarito d’ Arezzo;
One of the oldest pictures in this museum. It has a lot of stories. May be because of it, this art has ancient atmosphere and is worth while seeing.

<Room No 54, 56, 57,58>
  Arts by Fra Filippo Lippi;
These have some blight and calm atmosphere. Seeing these after school (if possible) must be nice!

<Room No 57 (I am not sure)>
  The Virgin of the Rocks (Leonardo da Vinci);
 The composition of this art was interesting. Also, I felt imagination of slight light of a candle.

< Room 58>
  Venus and Mars (Botticelli);
 I could find explanation of this art in the web site. It has complicated and interesting stories.

<Room 45>
  Arts by Paul Cezanne;
I know that arts of this artist sometimes contains grey pottery. The art in this museum was great. It became one of the most favorite one. Also, his landscape painting has an air of summer of France.

 Arts by Van Gogh and Gauguin;
 There were many pictures. Stories about these 2 artists were interesting. Also, I could see famous picture of Sunflowers.

<Room 44>
  Flower picture of Renoir;
 I like artists of impressionists and he is one of the most favorite artist. But this art was exceptional. I understood that his pictures always expresses many persons with beautiful touch. This art contains various kinds of flowers and they are reflected in a mirror. I think it is the reason why this picture looks so wonderful.

<Room 43 &44>
  Arts of Claude Monet, Alfred Sisley and Camille Pissarro;
   I like these artists of impressionists. Pissarro came to London. So he expressed some winter landscape of London. It was familiar to me. Also, according to the audio guide, he was impressed by Japanese art. So his style of art was changed on the way. I could find his picture in room 44? as well. It was “rare” art of night landscape.

 Sisley is great to express movement of clouds, trees and the surface of the water. I could find great art in this room. Also, I could find “rare” winter landscape of him.

 Monet’s pictures were so famous that I don’t have to explain. I found two Water Lily Pond in this room. Also, I found one interesting art of Paris train station in room 44.
<Room 38>
 I like Canaletto’s two pictures because these express old UK landscapes.

<Room 30? 31? (I am not sure)>
  Bacchus by Rubens;
   It was impressive because it express as if they enjoy drinking party.

Arts of Bartolome Esteban Murillo;
   It expressed holy family. And sometimes included cute lamb.

<Room 29 and Room 15>
  I could find arts of Peter Paul Rubens and British famous artist “Joseph Mallord William Turner”. Turner’s art is good to feel British atmosphere. His pictures frequent contain fisherman, sea and sunrise. I remember his art is a beginning of my spontaneous trip to Rye.

<Room 16>
  Arts of Rembrandt; My favorite one is about story of Anna and the Blind Tobit. The room was dark but outside is bright. It may express the contrast between their struggle of something and another person’s daily life.

<Room 34>
  British arts;
My favorite arts are Turner’s and the art that contains man and lady and a cute dog by John Constable (The cornfield). Also, this artist express some British countryside landscape.

 Lastly, I enjoyed another great art. This is blue sky in London!

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