
London Transport Museum(ロンドン交通博物館)

16th, January, 2016, Saturday

Mind the gap!
*If you have some familiar feeling with this symbol, you almost become Londoner!


 What do you think about London’s public transportation? For me, it is essential thing. Thanks to various kinds of transportation (bus, tube, Thames clipper etc), we can go to our school, go shopping, sometimes go for a trip easily. Indeed, London’s public transportation is like a capillary vessel. And if one of them is stopped, we can use another line or bus.
(In fact, one of the tube that I should reach London Transport Museum was stopped. The day I spontaneously think of going to the museum. Is it by chance? Because I really understand about the fact I referred above by today’s experience.).
 London Transport Museum is great place for Londoners. Because all Londoners may use public transportation frequently. In my opinion, we should know about background of them. And for me, this experience is good opportunity to know about their history. And I came to gratitude more than before. (Also, I just like the design of tube map and symbol mark….)

 Amazingly, a ticket is same price for one year pass and for one day pass. It was 17 pounds.
 After I enter into entrance, I could find Japanese public transportation. How nostalgic it is! Because I could find the movie of a guard of train who push passenger in the busiest time (morning)!…Indeed, all trains are very crowded in Tokyo…I remember.

 This is second floor. From here, I could see first floor. There were more exhibition than I expect. There were many replica of buses, trains, cars…some of them prepare simulation game of a guard for children (for parents in fact?) on the first floor.

 On the second floor, I saw development history of tube in London via poster exhibition, pictures, models, and drawer! For example, peopl used Sedan chair (I wrote about this transportation before. The tour guide in Tumbridge Wells explained about it.) in 1700, steam line is not so good for environment and electricity contribute to resolve this problem, to improve level of safety of London, many lighting were installed, and, sometimes tasks of guard were very hard….

 This is like a Tokyo!! Very crowded….

 “Ladies only” carriage in London as well?

 Sedan chair….and steam line….and electronics. Good poster to know about history.

  People can enter into replica of a carriage. There were some common things compared with present. But there were time-honored lamps attached on the wall.
 This is 3rd floor. People could enjoy exhibition of the history of bus and clipper in this floor. I can’t believe horse buses and omnibus were running in London! But horses were important in the past. And to feed horses, many feed should be transported to London via ships.

These were soooo cute!


 Next, people went to 1st floor. Of course tube are located in deep underground. Therefore, it is expectable that some lifting systems like elevator and escalator are needed. Escalator was installed by learning Paris’ one. In past, the escalator was made by woods. And one fire disaster caused by cigarette was happen. This is the reason why cigarette is forbidden completely on tube.
(These 2 pictures is about small sizes of elevator and escalator. We can operate them partially!)

 By the way, why there were many underground in London? Why there are few overground rail? I suppose I could find one answer from the exhibition. It may because the clay of London is soft. It means that it is easy to make tunnel. But it also have a risk for tunnel to be destroyed easily. So London tube has great iron wall of the tunnel.

 This station of “Stockwell” is the first electric tube.

 Also, this may be appropriate answer from one perspective. Is this true?

 It may be ….joke?

 Today, I recognized that London tube map is made considering user friendly way. Especially for foreigners. To overcome linguistic difficulty, the map contains many colors. I always use the map without moving, but….

This is simulation game. It was more difficult than I expect.

 This is just my opinion. But if you want to be real Londoner, this museum is worth while visiting at least once. There were many information about historical background. Also, all exhibition were well structured. Amazingly, the ways of exhibition include pictures, posters, simulation games, video, replicas, as well as just document. It was great. And I feel how Londoner put importance on public transportation. 
 Totally, I took 2.5 hours for my seeing all exhibition. It was good experience. Can I become real Londoner?
完全な個人的見解ですが・・・・真のロンドナーになるためには、この博物館を一度は訪れた方が良いです。歴史的背景や仕組みが、文書のみならず様々な展示物(ビデオ、写真、模型、シミュレーションゲーム、ポスター などなど)によって大変分かりやすく説明されており、素晴らしいです。そして、ロンドナーの公共機関への愛情もまた垣間見ることができます。
Way Out

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