
Harry Potter Tour (Warner Bros. Studio) (ワーナーブラザーズ・スタジオでのハリーポッターツアー)

9th, January 2016, Saturday

 Today, I joined Harry Potter Tour in Warner Bros. Studio.
 To join Harry Potter Tour is in my “to do list” for London staying. As you know, Universal Studio Japan in Osaka Prefecture also has small(er than Warner Bros.) attraction related to Harry Potter. But, because many people want to go there, it is very crowded…
 UK is origin country of Harry Potter. Therefore, I would like to join Harry Potter Tour in Warner Bros. Studio Tour, even if it is expected to be crowded as well. In fact, from November to January, studio is decorated by many Christmas-ornament and snow. Now must be good timing to go.

 The tour I joined was conducted by Golden Tour. This tour was great because we could go to the studio by official Harry Potter bus. In the bus, we could enjoy the movie of Harry Potter “philosopher’s stone”. Everyone looked exciting. Because we went to the studio to return to be a child! (On the contrary to my expectation, there were few children. There were many adult men and women, same as I…).

 This is Pick-up location near Baker Street underground station. I found the tour name on the sign for bus.

 When we arrived the studio, there have already been many people. Come to think of it, the book and movie series of Harry Potter had already been finished. But many people want to go there. Again I recognized Harry Potter is long-run hit book and movie, definitely.
 Fortunately, our bus arrived there before expectation. I supposed that the souvenir shop would be crowded after the tour. So I chose to buy some souvenir in advance. I couldn’t stop buying time-returner because I like things like a designed clock. The necklace was around 40 pounds, so I chose key holder (around 10 pounds).  
 Also, there were many sweets of “Honey Dukes”, map of marauders, pumpkin juice, a beer glass of Butter beer, and wands. There were a lot of wands including Harry Potters. Surprisingly, there were all member’s wands including “You-know-who”.

 After I finish shopping, there was long queue.
 As I referred, there were Christmas decorations. Also, even the entrance of the studio, we felt air of Harry Potter world. I was surprised by these detail exhibition. For example, these were pictures of Dudley and Harry’s stepfather and stepmother. There were no picture of Harry…This cupboard was so small.
I was enjoyed these during on the queue.

 Just after the beginning of the tour, you must be exciting. Because….this is the secret. It is intangible for me. Anyway, this is the great hall in the Christmas season. There were cake of snitch (that is the one that Ron’s mother made in the book?), roast Chicken, Christmas cracker, potatoes and so on. Many people were taking pictures.


 Floating candle was displayed separately. In fact, the scene was produced by using suspended candle at the first time but now the scene contains a lot of CG for everyone’s safety.

 This is chocolate sweets used for the welcome ceremony of Triwizard Tournament. Surprisingly, one of these was made from real chocolate by patissier, and have remained for 7 years.

 This is common room of Gryffindor, Potions classroom, big clock of Hogwarts, and Dumbledore’s room. I was always surprised. These were so detail although these were displayed just in a moment in the movie.

 Also, this is Ministry of magic. This floor is made by referring real old floor of underground station. This scene was also so short. But it was the result of big effort of all staffs of the studio.

 This is Ron’s house “The Burrow”. There may be many traditional British things.

This is Umbridge’s room…..but, better than my expectation….pink, pink, and pink!

Is this secret door??

 There also were interesting exhibition. For example, this was forced perspective. In the picture, it looks real corridor. But in fact, this is an art of it. And we also enjoyed fire which is not hot, ice which is not cold, and snow made on my hand. I understood high technology of special effects that Warner Bros. Studio has. 
 And as I referred HIGH technology of this studio, I shouldn’t forget to tell about my wonderful experience. In this studio, we could enjoy flying on broomsticks (and on the flying car) in the sky around Hogwarts, and London (by using CG, of course). How about flying in front of Big Ben?? Of course that was long queue. I had to wait for it for around 30 min. But it was worth while waiting even for 40-50 min or more. Because we could buy a DVD or USB and pictures of our flying. This is my unforgettable memory of my staying in UK.

 This is Cuidditch world cup poster. There were UK, Ireland, Spain, France, Portugal….and Japan!! Again, I was surprised for detail exhibition.

 This is compartment of Hogwarts Express. Amazing!

In the middle of the tour, I enjoyed cool butter beer. It tastes like cream soda and delicious.

 After that, we went out from the building and found Privet Drive. In fact, this place was exist. But to avoid inconvenience of residents, the studio made this replica there. I saw a light of the room of Harry Potter where he is waiting for any change of his life.

 Next room has many information of special effects. Flying fat man, and…This is Backbeak. It was moving as if he is living in the real world. And I was surprised because I heard that the NASA technology was used for it.

I was walking in the Diagon Alley. Every shops has real products. Only we could enjoy window shopping but it was enough for me. It was as if I was in a world of Harry Potter.

Next exhibition is mini-size Hogwarts. It was covered by snow. It was time-limited exhibition. Because after January, the snow was removed.
 In fact, this design was inspired by Scotland. And, in the movie, this castle was used as real castle of Hogwarts. I took a small movie by using digital camera as if someone was flying around this castle.

  At the way out of this studio (before shop), I accepted my USB. It is very memorial thing.

  Good bye, Harry! Thank you for great experience…

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