
Leeds castle リーズ城

20th, February, 2016, Saturday

 Today we went to the most lovely castle “Leeds castle” in UK. It is not so difficult, far away from London. Just we took a national train for 1 and half hour, and took “spottravel” taxi for 10 min.
* In winter, there are no shuttle service.
 リーズ城は、ご存知のとおり世界で最も敬愛すべきお城であるとして知られています。ロンドンからはそう遠くはなく、合計1時間半+10分程度です。National trainでBearsted駅まで行き、そこからリーズ城まで行きますが、冬期はシャトルバスがやっていないためタクシーを使います。

Web site;

 In Bearsted, we went out from another side of station (an arrival platform). Thanks to another tourist, we could reach the bus stop. But why she notice we would go to the Leeds Castle without saying nothing? May be Japanese (me) was included in the party! Because many Japanese would like to go to this castle….

 This is entrance of the castle. Sign written by various languages welcomed us! Surprisingly, there is Japanese guidebook, and it was cheaper than English version.

 We enjoyed clear air in countryside as well as in Bearsted station. Birds were sleeping it may be because it was Saturday morning.

These cute small birds may be Black headed Gull.

 This is swan! I love it. They weren’t afraid of human. Ummm…they like human? Or they like 1 pound of “feed the bird” (Regrettably, it was not “tuppence”. Do you know what I mean? (Mary Poppins!))?
 白鳥です。こんなに近くで白鳥を見るのは初めてです。彼らが私たちを怖がらないのは、人間が好きだから?それとも1ポンドの餌(Feed the bird!)が好きだから?

                                                                                                                   Cute♥ ↓

 There were some black swans. In my dictionary, black swan means “very novel thing”, but…It was brought from Australia to Leeds castle, and have reproduced.

This is the outside of the castle. It has solemnity atmosphere.

This is a kinds of frightening gate.

Peacocks! They also seem to be sleepy. It is normal. It was Saturday morning!

A small robin!!

The Gatehouse prepared exhibition about the history of this castle and audio guide. We saw video and prepared to enter into the castle.

Leeds castle had a long history and have been frequent reproduced. It was built by a rich man of Normans in 1119.
The most famous parts of the castle may be “Gloriette”. There were a lot of magnificent interior reformed by Lady Baillie who is very very rich lady of English/American.
The oldest part was warehouse of wine. You know, Leeds castle is famous by wine produced in there!
*I read the guidebook and understood some people were confined in this place…So, not to interrupt their sleeping, I don’t publish any pictures of this parts.

This is some rooms of New Castle. It was quite gorgeous. How much did Lady Baillie spent to keep such a magnificent room and interiors?

This is library of Lady Baillie. Sometimes this place was closed but today it was open fortunately.

After walked around the castle, we were walking around the garden. It must be beautiful in spring. Today we enjoyed a lot of birds and nature!

According to instruction, these are, Coot (not baby of black swan…), Greylag Goose, and black swan.

Quite solemnity!

This is famous “Maze”. I always wanted to go to the direction of the center (incorrect way) but I patience and followed professional of maze.

Goal! From this place, I could see persons who were still trying to find their way^^

By the shop (cinnamon shop. But there were no cinnamon roll) near the entrance of the castle, there was small castle train. But we were walking toward the entrance. Thanks to this, we could meet peacock!  帰りは、シナモンショップというお城入口にあるお店(シナモンロールはありませんでした)の近くにお城列車が停まっているので、それに乗って帰ることもできますが、歩くことにしました。お陰でまた可愛い孔雀に会うことができました。

For Your Reference;
 Once buy admission ticket, it is valid for 1 year. Also, buying via internet is cheaper way to get a ticket.
 This castle has English Garden. I would come here again in spring.


>Dear my friends
  Thank you for coming with me!!! We had wonderful time walking around garden and castle.

British food 2; Having typical dishes in Pub イギリスのグルメ情報 第2弾(ロンドンのパブ)

 I do believe that we should not talk about British gourmet information without referring pub in UK. Why don’t go to the pub, and order “a half pint of beer” at the counter? At once you do, you have already become a real Londoner!

<St Georges Tavern (5th, February, 2016, Friday)>

 This pub may be loved by local people. Because there were many businessmen at the lunchtime (without beer, of course).
We went to this pub near Victoria station. And we could enjoy traditional burger, fish and chips, beef steaks, and so on.

 This is my fish and chips. Of course my best fish and chips is the one I ate for the first time in Poppie’s (I wrote about this pub in 14th November 2015). But it is also crispy and delicious. I always order fish and chips of “cod” rather than “haddock”. It is so nice.

This pub has good waiters and large rooms. So I could feel relaxed.

For your reference
Poppie’s fish and chips (Camden Town)

<The Sherlock Holmes (6th, February, 2016, Saturday)>
  As you (may) know, I had to book a table of second floor to enjoy many exhibitions related to Holmes. Because this pub is famous among funs of this quite famous detective.

There are a lot of posters on the wall of steps toward 2nd floor. And this is the room of Holmes!

I would like to say this pub is not only for Holmes but also for delicious foods. Indeed, I enjoyed delicious traditional British pie “Mrs Hudson’s Shin of Beef & Ale Pie” with the best mashed potatoes. This potatoes’ were tasted with pleasant flavoring source. I ate it with the ale beer named “Sherlock Holmes”.
  Of course I couldn’t try all but there were many special menus. Surprisingly, this restaurant serves Sunday Roast every day. I definitely wanted to try this lovely menu “Dr Watson’s Traditional Sunday Roast”, and “Sherlock’s Own 8oz Sirloin Steak” as well…

 This pub has nice hospitality. I enjoyed my dishes seeing some interior related to Holmes. I strongly recommend you to go at least once. I would like to visit again!


<The Stag (21st, February, 2016)>
 I read about this exceptional pub in “lonely planet”. This guide book says, this pub serves outstanding Sunday roast, and once order and enjoy it while reading newspaper, the afternoon is gone…..


 Of course, I ordered Sunday roast. As the guidebook wrote, it was excellent! I have never haven such a wonderful beef steak Sunday roast…And this Yorkshire pudding was very light and crispy. Enjoying these splendid things with tasty vegetable, and my afternoon was gone! I was moved from eating such a nice dish…Also, it was good with drinking “Jack of Clubs”. It was recommendation of the waiter.


Another pub's information
  I have referred some pub in UK in the past blog. Especially I like Hotel New Inn (5 min walk from Primrose Hill). I ate Sunday roast of roast chicken while seeing cute dogs of the restaurant!!! It was very heartwarming memory.

Natural History Museum 自然史博物館

14th, February, 2016, Sunday

 As many people say, this museum is very famous among tourist to London. At last, I could visit there today. Because all of my friends says this museum is worth while visiting.

 As my expectation, I should be in a long long queue…..I took around 20 min to enter into this museum. While I was waiting, I enjoyed beautiful blue sky! Thanks to this weather, the design of this building looks very nice, better than usual. I could find all status of this building were different. Lion, wolf, puma, and tiger??? And animals poses differently?? Same as me, people took pictures of them.

 So, where should I go today?? Because I had another plan afternoon, I decided to enjoy only Red zone and part of Green zone exhibition.
*There were 4 sections; Red zone (earth (evolution, earthquake), volcano), Green zone (minerals, plants, birds and animals), Blue zone (marine creatures and sea), and Orange zone (studio and cocoon?).

 There were cute birds exhibition in green zone. I found dodo. As you know, some creatures including this cute bird were extinct. Indeed, “diversity” of creatures is quite important by many means. And some human activity may destroy this important thing. May be we should re-consider our daily life which completely depends on automation and energy.

 Next, I went to the Red zone. There were interesting exhibition about transition of the layer of UK. Limestone was set more than 100 million ago. We could see white buildings and cliff of this kinds of stone such as these in Cotswolds.

 Next, I went up to this unique escalator (*in the red zone). Everyone were exciting!  And, I enter into the volcano zone.

 There were exhibition of Mauna Loa in Big Island of Hawaii. I remembered I went to this island and was moved as I saw wonderful sunset scenery at one of Hawaii’s mountains. There were various kinds of volcano exhibition. Some of them cause disaster because of fast floating magma and ash. Otherwise, some of them was not so danger for people. It depends on nature of magma, soil and temperature.

 This exhibition was very impressive. The owner of this museum tries to explain how horrible the Great Earthquake was in Kobe. But for me, I couldn’t stop crying. Because I could remember the earthquake. And I didn’t want to see this disaster any more…

 But meanwhile, I recognize that we could revive from this disaster. And of course I know this is thanks to many person’s warn assistance including from foreign countries. Again, I would like to say thank you for all persons that tried to help us.

 Today’s short journey toward national museum was informative. I also enjoyed interior of this museum as well.




Victoria and Albert Museum (V&A) ヴィクトリア&アルバート博物館

7th, February, 2016, Sunday

 Considering about some person’s recommendation, I visited V&A again. Thanks to fine weather, I took beautiful pictures as below;

 Same as before, entrance hall was beautiful.

 After I enjoyed a cup of tea in the cafeteria (located in Level 1, the place after through the John Madejski Garden. I could choose one of three rooms; Morris, Gamble and Poynter rooms. All of them were well designed. I couldn’t choose one of them.), I went to British exhibition. It was located in level 2 and 4. This museum is so big that I may not be able to see all exhibition. So to confirm destination in advance is quite important.
 This is cafeteria in Morris, Gamble & Poynter Rooms. To be honest, this tea is one of the best delicious ones in my experience.
 こちらがカフェです。場所はレベル1=入口と同じ階 にあり、庭を横切ると、美味しそうなお菓子とともにティールームが見えてきます。ウィリアムモリスがデザインした緑のティールームをはじめ3種類の部屋から1つを選んでお茶を楽しむことができます。全てのお部屋がとても素敵なデザインなので、どこでお茶をいただくのかとても悩みます・・・


 It is fine weather. Look at this! Rippling waves of garden pond is shining …

 level 2

 There were a lot of beautiful exhibition. These were not only beautiful but also told great history of UK.
 This is a container of salt. It was larger than now.

   In New Years cerebration, sometimes king give persons gifts as a return gift (no picture).

  This is priceless heraldic glass.

 This chair may be a gift for someone’s wedding by considering about decoration at the top of the 2 small animals.

 This is also wedding cerebration. And also, it is a gift desiring for giving healthy baby for new husband and wife.

 This is not made in UK. But symbol of ship was reflects a state of UK in the past. Because UK always trades with foreign countries by using ships. So people wore this kinds of symbol as accessory.

 This is amazing cup for alcohol. It looks 3 cups. But these were connected with each other…

 There were a lot of delicate silver table wares. Their beautiful shape taught me how persons in UK put an importance of atmosphere of dining.

 This exhibition taught me about British traditional tea ceremony. Don’t make sound, don’t reverse the leftover into a pot….

 In the past, people used silver pot and pottery tea bowl for tea ceremony. To use such a high conductive pot and cups without handle, people came to pay attention toward their behavior in the tea ceremony….It was quite impressive explanation. Today’s great afternoon tea custom in UK is based on these table wares!

 This is my favorite exhibition; musical clock. I could watch its movement via display next to this clock.

 level 4

 1850s, Japan started to join this kinds of trade. So British design is sometimes inspired by Japanese things.

 This is designed posters in 19s. Same as today’s UK posters, these were so attractive.

 I could learn British history of traditional cultures by seeing great exhibition in this museum.

 Today’s interesting thing. I found it in Japanese room at level 1.