
Winchester ~ Christmas market ウィンチェスターの街を楽しむ(クリスマスマーケットを含む)

 6th and 12th December, 2015

 In fact, this town became one of the most favorite one during my stay. It was very attractive because of its tranquil atmosphere. Especially, walking along Itchen was so nice! Also, this town is known as King Arthurian romances. Therefore, we can find some story related to the king.

This is the status of King Arthur.

 This is Winchester City Mill near the Itchen river. This is one of the oldest working watermill. In Saturday and Sunday, cooking performance using its whole-wheat flour was performed. Due to this, nice pleasant smelling hung in the air as I entered into the mill.


These scone, mince pie and ginger bread cup cake (especially, a cup cake) were very nice.

The whole-wheat was produced by using water power. I bought one pack of flour (1.5kg/ 2 pounds). I baked a bread according to recipe card given in the mill….

Published web site of the mill is as below;

I could see the mill from the yard. According to the explanation, sometimes otters and gray wagtails were coming to this yard. There are many natures here.

After leaving from the mill, I was walking along the river. It was tranquil atmosphere. I sometimes stopped walking and listened to sound of river. It was as if I was in any book.

Also I could enjoy Christmas market of Winchester in front of the Cathedral.


 I could find some nice goods. My favorite thing was ornament that I could eat! It was made by chocolate. It was very cute.

 And I like this stall. I enjoyed mulled wine here.

 This town had nice atmosphere and beautiful scenery. I want to go to this town again to enjoy good atmosphere.

About Lunch:

 I tried to go to the famous restaurant as below;

 But all seats were booked. Therefore, I went to another nice restaurant (No.5 Bridge Street). This restaurant was recommended by the famous restaurant’s staff and I could enjoy traditional dish;

 This is fish cake. Cake doesn’t mean sweets. It was like a fish croquette. This is the first time to have it but it was very nice. I ate it with apple juice produced in UK.

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