
Christmas day in England part 1 (Christmas markets (Bath), Santa train) 英国のクリスマス 1(バースのクリスマスマーケットとサンタトレイン)

6th and 12th December, 2015

 I believe that Japanese Christmas celebration is similar to European Christmas. But there were some difference…
 In my knowledge, we always have a party and eat Steak, salad, French fried potatoes, soup, and sweets (cookies and Christmas cake). Sometimes we go out and have a lunch by using “public transportation (this point is important)”.
 And we don’t always have roasted turkey, Christmas pudding. Also, we don’t always join Christmas cracker (in fact, there are 2 types of cracker; cracker and enjoyable music show. I will explain later.), and Christmas services in cathedral.

  Therefore, I would like to write about British (European) Christmas.
 Firstly, I would write about some kinds of Christmas tour.

  I joined the bus tour and visited Bath, Alresford (to take Santa train (steam line of Watercress line!)) and Winchester (as written before).
*Joining tour was comfortable. It is effective way to enjoy many things within limited time.


 Bath has great scenery. As you know, this town is a world heritage as its beautiful traditional look of stores and houses on a street. After enjoying a Christmas market, we enjoyed walking around the town, along Avon (means “river”!) river, and so on.
 バースは美しい景色がたくさん存在する素敵な場所です。ご存知の通り、その街の石造りの建物等の美しい風景により世界遺産に登録されているほどであり、クリスマスマーケットを堪能した後で、エイボン川(エイボンとは、川という意味だそうです。川 川・・・)のほとりの散歩等を楽しみました。

 This is Bath Abbey.

This is traditional buildings produced by stones, Avon river, and public space that I was walking around.

 In addition to this, we could enjoy traditional brioche.
We went to Sarry Rann's and bought Sarry Rann's brioche by French traditional (Sarry's) recipe.

 Also, I went to Bath Ban. That was a nice cafeteria. I could find delicious bread named "Bath Ban". It contained black beans and sugar. It was not too sweet and tasty. I bought it as souvenir. Most impressive thing is to have the first "afternoon tea" at the cafe. It was first time to have it in UK!! I enjoyed it indeed because it contains some Christmas menu such as roast turkey sandwich and mince pie. Especially turkey sandwich was very tasty!

Lastly, we was walking around the town and saw Royal Crescent. This is designed by architecture who is always particular about “No three”.

 Bath was too large to see all things within 1 day. I would like to go there again!

 We could see Stonehenge on the way to Bath. The Stonehenge was surrounded by a flock of sheep.

-Alresford and Santa train (watercress line)

 I went to Alresford because I definitely wanted to try traditional steam train. Fortunately it was Christmas season. Therefore, I enjoyed "Santa train" as well.

 There were nice Christmas decoration in Alresford station.

 I met Santa Claus, enjoyed delicious mince pie (in fact, this mince pie was the most delicious one that I had ever eaten!!!), and good countryside sight of Hampshire from the window.

 Steam line from the top of the small hill is so good. I found the good place for photo near the station!

 After joining Santa train, I was walking around Alresford. There are some thatched roof houses. In this town, I enjoyed calm atmosphere and shopping (I could buy nice Christmas card for my friends).

 I have wanted to board a steam line for a long time. Today, my wish is realized, as well as I could enjoy special Christmas event (Santa train). I felt happy during walking around this calm towm.

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