
Christmas day in England part 3 (Christmas service of Canterbury Cathedral) 英国のクリスマス 3(カンタベリー大聖堂のクリスマス礼拝)

 25th December 2015, Friday

 Today (Christmas day) I joined a marvelous bus tour. And enjoyed Christmas Service in Canterbury Cathedral, Christmas lunch in the Cathedral area listening to the sound of (recorded) chorus, seeing White Cliffs in Dover (from bus), and beautiful night view of Rochester.

  I have never spent such a lovely Christmas day!! Everything was so special…

  I would like to write about this nice Christmas day, but, just in case…(Persons who know Christmas day in UK very well don’t have to read the next paragraph “Cautions for Tourists”)


 Cautions for Tourists!

 If you will plan to trip to UK around 25th December, you have to be careful about status of public transportation system. As you know, transportation system such as tube, bus, clippers, national rail way, national express are wonderful in London. However, all of them were stopped in Christmas day!!! Some Japanese can’t believe it but it is happened every years. Also, almost all shops were closed….So we have to find a way to reach food in advance.

From my experience…

  Public transportation system: (may be) closed earlier
  Shops: (may be) closed earlier than usual. Buying everything for Christmas cerebration, boxing days dishes until around 2 pm is recommended. Also, everywhere may be highly crowded (I had bought everything till 23th!).
  Public transportation system: closed
    (Kindly, some taxies are operating their services. But taxi fee is almost twice than usual….)
  Shops: basically closed

26日(ボクシングデー (boxing day))
  Public transportation system: Holiday schedule is applied
  Shops: basically closed, but some department stores (primark, M&S and Selfridges) is opened earlier than usual, and the biggest sales is opened (awfully crowded…)! Checking website is recommended

 In my case, I have stayed in the hotel from 24th to 26th, and make a reservation for pick-up service of bus tour to join Christmas tour of 25th. The bus picked me up in front of hotel, and drove me the hotel.

 This is Canterbury Cathedral’s Christmas.
 This cathedral is historical church and includes many stories including Thomas Becket. The building was rebuilt following major fire. But it has been there around 1000 years!

 Also, there was crib in front of cathedral. “Crib” is famous exhibition which expresses about born of Jesus Christ. I am always moved when I see it.

 The cathedral is also known as its beautiful interior. Listening and singing many sacred songs related to Christmas in the cathedral was special experience. I also could distributed “communion”. I lined with divine feeling and drank wine and ate small bread.
Seeing magnificent interior of the Cathedral and singing beautiful songs, praying with many British persons were forgettable memory for me…

 Beautiful stained glasses in the cathedral were also so great.
 Taking pictures was forbidden. But I would like to convey these delicate structures of them. So I paste the link of the public website;

 Then, we enjoyed lunch that we were waiting for.
 Before Christmas lunch, we could choose a grass of drink. I chose sherry. Because it may be traditional style of UK. Drinking sherry in Christmas day…

 This is typical and delicious Christmas lunch. You can see red and green Christmas cracker in the center of the picture. It is typical UK style in Christmas cerebration. 2 persons grip the cracker each side and pull strong enough. And, we can find small Christmas present from broken cracker; red paper crown, plastic moustache, and little quiz (joke) paper. The crown is wore by the person. And the little quiz is read by the person.

This is Roasted Turkey.

This is Christmas pudding.

 This is mince pie. As (another) tour guide recommended, I tried to have it my traditional way (with cream). It suited with each other.

 This Christmas lunch was very special. I enjoyed the lunch surrounded by Christmas tree, listening to beautiful chorus of the cathedral, and having conversation with a lot of people!

 By the way, this wall is difficult to make. Because different types of stone was used.

 Next, the bus tour departed on the White Cliff in Dover. The place is located in Kent. And the ground of Kent includes many chalk. This is why the place looks snow white (this expression was used by tour guide). It was cloudy. But the scenery was nice.

 Lastly, we enjoyed beautiful night view of Rochester. All shops were closed. But it remained Christmas beautiful decoration.

 This Rochester Cathedral is second oldest church in UK. Basically, church is built isolated from castle. But exceptionally, this church was built as a part of castle.
And the castle’s buildings were divided as 2 parts; one is accomplish with church and the other is located near the church. This cathedral is also an important building historically. And be deeply related to “Magna Carta”.

 Also, we entered into the castle’s yard. There were bright Christmas tree. It may not be intended to suit with the castle because it was too light (borrow words of tour guide). But for me, it was nice photo opportunity!

 Before I came to the UK, I have never expected I would enjoy such a nice Christmas in UK. Indeed, I could have various kinds of experiences here. Especially, sharing our feeling through singing together, having Christmas dishes with European people were irreplaceable memories for me!
 I will never forget about British Christmas….And I understand these were thanks to my seniors and friends from Europe. I definitely appreciate them for giving such a nice Christmas memories.

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