
Christmas day in England part 2 (Christmas Cracker in St Martin in the Fields) 英国のクリスマス 2(セントマーティンインザフィールド教会でのクリスマスクラッカー(音楽会))

22th December 2015, Tuesday

 Today, I joined London Octave’s Christmas Cracker in St Martin in the Fields.
 The meaning of Christmas Cracker was not found in the dictionary, but it might mean something special from orchestra.

 This is Christmas tree in front of the church. Opening time was 19:30. Arrived early and seeking some souvenir….

 The Cracker (music) was wonderful. I like “O Holy Night” from the first. It was wonderful. In addition to this, there were special music. Especially “Adagio and Allegro from Trio BWV 525 for 2 flutes and continuo” had little nostalgic melody and performance by flutes sounded toward my heart.
 クリスマスクラッカーは素晴らしいものでした。もともと好きだった“O Holy Night”に加え、バッハのアダージョとアレグロを2人のフルート奏者が演奏する“Adagio and Allegro from Trio BWV 525 for 2 flutes and continuo”という演題のハーモニーが素晴らしく、すっかり魅了されました。

 The most interesting things was, sometimes customer was asked to join the choir!
“Once in Royal David’s city”, “God rest you Merry Gentleman”, “Hark the Herald Angels Sing”...We sang with choir. It was exceptional event for me. Also, Singing “The Twelve Days of Christmas” was very fun. We sang according to individual birth months.
 更に、一部の曲は、お客さんも一緒になって歌いました。会場全体が一体となってコーラス隊とともに歌う経験は、なかなか出来るものではありません。“Once in Royal David’s city”, “God rest you Merry Gentleman”, “Hark the Herald Angels Sing”の美しい調べを一緒に歌うとともに、誕生月毎にパートを振り分けられて歌う“The Twelve Days of Christmas”はとても楽しい曲であり、とても充実した時間を過ごすことが出来ました。

 British lady next to me and I shared our deep impression with each other, and event was finished. This “Cracker” was one of the most impressive one during my stay in UK as well as another cracker (in Christmas party)!

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