
London Transport Museum(ロンドン交通博物館)

16th, January, 2016, Saturday

Mind the gap!
*If you have some familiar feeling with this symbol, you almost become Londoner!


 What do you think about London’s public transportation? For me, it is essential thing. Thanks to various kinds of transportation (bus, tube, Thames clipper etc), we can go to our school, go shopping, sometimes go for a trip easily. Indeed, London’s public transportation is like a capillary vessel. And if one of them is stopped, we can use another line or bus.
(In fact, one of the tube that I should reach London Transport Museum was stopped. The day I spontaneously think of going to the museum. Is it by chance? Because I really understand about the fact I referred above by today’s experience.).
 London Transport Museum is great place for Londoners. Because all Londoners may use public transportation frequently. In my opinion, we should know about background of them. And for me, this experience is good opportunity to know about their history. And I came to gratitude more than before. (Also, I just like the design of tube map and symbol mark….)

 Amazingly, a ticket is same price for one year pass and for one day pass. It was 17 pounds.
 After I enter into entrance, I could find Japanese public transportation. How nostalgic it is! Because I could find the movie of a guard of train who push passenger in the busiest time (morning)!…Indeed, all trains are very crowded in Tokyo…I remember.

 This is second floor. From here, I could see first floor. There were more exhibition than I expect. There were many replica of buses, trains, cars…some of them prepare simulation game of a guard for children (for parents in fact?) on the first floor.

 On the second floor, I saw development history of tube in London via poster exhibition, pictures, models, and drawer! For example, peopl used Sedan chair (I wrote about this transportation before. The tour guide in Tumbridge Wells explained about it.) in 1700, steam line is not so good for environment and electricity contribute to resolve this problem, to improve level of safety of London, many lighting were installed, and, sometimes tasks of guard were very hard….

 This is like a Tokyo!! Very crowded….

 “Ladies only” carriage in London as well?

 Sedan chair….and steam line….and electronics. Good poster to know about history.

  People can enter into replica of a carriage. There were some common things compared with present. But there were time-honored lamps attached on the wall.
 This is 3rd floor. People could enjoy exhibition of the history of bus and clipper in this floor. I can’t believe horse buses and omnibus were running in London! But horses were important in the past. And to feed horses, many feed should be transported to London via ships.

These were soooo cute!


 Next, people went to 1st floor. Of course tube are located in deep underground. Therefore, it is expectable that some lifting systems like elevator and escalator are needed. Escalator was installed by learning Paris’ one. In past, the escalator was made by woods. And one fire disaster caused by cigarette was happen. This is the reason why cigarette is forbidden completely on tube.
(These 2 pictures is about small sizes of elevator and escalator. We can operate them partially!)

 By the way, why there were many underground in London? Why there are few overground rail? I suppose I could find one answer from the exhibition. It may because the clay of London is soft. It means that it is easy to make tunnel. But it also have a risk for tunnel to be destroyed easily. So London tube has great iron wall of the tunnel.

 This station of “Stockwell” is the first electric tube.

 Also, this may be appropriate answer from one perspective. Is this true?

 It may be ….joke?

 Today, I recognized that London tube map is made considering user friendly way. Especially for foreigners. To overcome linguistic difficulty, the map contains many colors. I always use the map without moving, but….

This is simulation game. It was more difficult than I expect.

 This is just my opinion. But if you want to be real Londoner, this museum is worth while visiting at least once. There were many information about historical background. Also, all exhibition were well structured. Amazingly, the ways of exhibition include pictures, posters, simulation games, video, replicas, as well as just document. It was great. And I feel how Londoner put importance on public transportation. 
 Totally, I took 2.5 hours for my seeing all exhibition. It was good experience. Can I become real Londoner?
完全な個人的見解ですが・・・・真のロンドナーになるためには、この博物館を一度は訪れた方が良いです。歴史的背景や仕組みが、文書のみならず様々な展示物(ビデオ、写真、模型、シミュレーションゲーム、ポスター などなど)によって大変分かりやすく説明されており、素晴らしいです。そして、ロンドナーの公共機関への愛情もまた垣間見ることができます。
Way Out

Harry Potter Tour (Warner Bros. Studio) (ワーナーブラザーズ・スタジオでのハリーポッターツアー)

9th, January 2016, Saturday

 Today, I joined Harry Potter Tour in Warner Bros. Studio.
 To join Harry Potter Tour is in my “to do list” for London staying. As you know, Universal Studio Japan in Osaka Prefecture also has small(er than Warner Bros.) attraction related to Harry Potter. But, because many people want to go there, it is very crowded…
 UK is origin country of Harry Potter. Therefore, I would like to join Harry Potter Tour in Warner Bros. Studio Tour, even if it is expected to be crowded as well. In fact, from November to January, studio is decorated by many Christmas-ornament and snow. Now must be good timing to go.

 The tour I joined was conducted by Golden Tour. This tour was great because we could go to the studio by official Harry Potter bus. In the bus, we could enjoy the movie of Harry Potter “philosopher’s stone”. Everyone looked exciting. Because we went to the studio to return to be a child! (On the contrary to my expectation, there were few children. There were many adult men and women, same as I…).

 This is Pick-up location near Baker Street underground station. I found the tour name on the sign for bus.

 When we arrived the studio, there have already been many people. Come to think of it, the book and movie series of Harry Potter had already been finished. But many people want to go there. Again I recognized Harry Potter is long-run hit book and movie, definitely.
 Fortunately, our bus arrived there before expectation. I supposed that the souvenir shop would be crowded after the tour. So I chose to buy some souvenir in advance. I couldn’t stop buying time-returner because I like things like a designed clock. The necklace was around 40 pounds, so I chose key holder (around 10 pounds).  
 Also, there were many sweets of “Honey Dukes”, map of marauders, pumpkin juice, a beer glass of Butter beer, and wands. There were a lot of wands including Harry Potters. Surprisingly, there were all member’s wands including “You-know-who”.

 After I finish shopping, there was long queue.
 As I referred, there were Christmas decorations. Also, even the entrance of the studio, we felt air of Harry Potter world. I was surprised by these detail exhibition. For example, these were pictures of Dudley and Harry’s stepfather and stepmother. There were no picture of Harry…This cupboard was so small.
I was enjoyed these during on the queue.

 Just after the beginning of the tour, you must be exciting. Because….this is the secret. It is intangible for me. Anyway, this is the great hall in the Christmas season. There were cake of snitch (that is the one that Ron’s mother made in the book?), roast Chicken, Christmas cracker, potatoes and so on. Many people were taking pictures.


 Floating candle was displayed separately. In fact, the scene was produced by using suspended candle at the first time but now the scene contains a lot of CG for everyone’s safety.

 This is chocolate sweets used for the welcome ceremony of Triwizard Tournament. Surprisingly, one of these was made from real chocolate by patissier, and have remained for 7 years.

 This is common room of Gryffindor, Potions classroom, big clock of Hogwarts, and Dumbledore’s room. I was always surprised. These were so detail although these were displayed just in a moment in the movie.

 Also, this is Ministry of magic. This floor is made by referring real old floor of underground station. This scene was also so short. But it was the result of big effort of all staffs of the studio.

 This is Ron’s house “The Burrow”. There may be many traditional British things.

This is Umbridge’s room…..but, better than my expectation….pink, pink, and pink!

Is this secret door??

 There also were interesting exhibition. For example, this was forced perspective. In the picture, it looks real corridor. But in fact, this is an art of it. And we also enjoyed fire which is not hot, ice which is not cold, and snow made on my hand. I understood high technology of special effects that Warner Bros. Studio has. 
 And as I referred HIGH technology of this studio, I shouldn’t forget to tell about my wonderful experience. In this studio, we could enjoy flying on broomsticks (and on the flying car) in the sky around Hogwarts, and London (by using CG, of course). How about flying in front of Big Ben?? Of course that was long queue. I had to wait for it for around 30 min. But it was worth while waiting even for 40-50 min or more. Because we could buy a DVD or USB and pictures of our flying. This is my unforgettable memory of my staying in UK.

 This is Cuidditch world cup poster. There were UK, Ireland, Spain, France, Portugal….and Japan!! Again, I was surprised for detail exhibition.

 This is compartment of Hogwarts Express. Amazing!

In the middle of the tour, I enjoyed cool butter beer. It tastes like cream soda and delicious.

 After that, we went out from the building and found Privet Drive. In fact, this place was exist. But to avoid inconvenience of residents, the studio made this replica there. I saw a light of the room of Harry Potter where he is waiting for any change of his life.

 Next room has many information of special effects. Flying fat man, and…This is Backbeak. It was moving as if he is living in the real world. And I was surprised because I heard that the NASA technology was used for it.

I was walking in the Diagon Alley. Every shops has real products. Only we could enjoy window shopping but it was enough for me. It was as if I was in a world of Harry Potter.

Next exhibition is mini-size Hogwarts. It was covered by snow. It was time-limited exhibition. Because after January, the snow was removed.
 In fact, this design was inspired by Scotland. And, in the movie, this castle was used as real castle of Hogwarts. I took a small movie by using digital camera as if someone was flying around this castle.

  At the way out of this studio (before shop), I accepted my USB. It is very memorial thing.

  Good bye, Harry! Thank you for great experience…


How are Musicals and ballets in London theaters(ロンドンの劇場事情(ミュージカルとバレエ))

October 2015 – January 2016

 How about watching (listening) musicals and ballet at theaters in London? In my opinion, if you want to talk about London, I strongly recommend to watch these shows in advance. Especially, musicals are worth while watching in a theatre. Firstly, performance was excellent. I was deeply impressed and moved strongly in a moment that their strong voice and music of performers and orchestra reached to my ears. Indeed, all songs gave a dramatic emotion for me. Second, all theater has high quality of theatrical art. These reflects detail real state of real places, accurately. In fact, I have desired to go to New York to watch musicals in the Broadway for a long time. It was my dream but I haven’t gotten good opportunity (no time, no money…). I thought New York is the best place to enjoy musicals. However, now I found that London is one of the most attractive place to enjoy musical as well as Broadway, while considering the fact that many musicals was performed the first in London.
 I referred some of them before. But I would like to gather these information and write in this page together. Also, I enjoyed some ballet show. This page includes them.
*Just in case…Please don’t care about amount of my writing. It is due to my poor writing skill.

◆The phantom of the opera (20th October 2015)
 This musical was premiered in London 9th, October, 1986, and still have been performed and loved by many Londoners. I presume the main theme of this musical is familiar to Japanese. Because one of the best Japanese professional figure skaters “Hanyu Yuzuru(羽生 結弦)” performed marvelously to the tune of it, at a stage of World figure skating Championships and so on.
  I referred it before. But again, I would like to refer to it as fantastic musical. Especially, quality of song (Christina) and theatrical arts is exceptional (mean, the best in London that I have ever watched and listened)). This was so attractive that it is intangible for me…I definitely want to watch it again, and strongly recommend you to go! As I referred at the first paragraph of this page, you may feel deep impression… It was performed in Her Majesty Theatre.

  ロンドンが初演のミュージカルであり、1986年に初演されて以来、ロングランでずっと人気が継続しています。日本のフィギュアスケート選手である羽生 結弦選手がオペラ座の怪人のメインテーマに併せて素晴らしい演技をしたことからも、日本人にとってはなじみ深いミュージカルと言えるのではないでしょうか。
  前にもブログに書いたものなので詳しくは書きませんが、改めて、オペラ座の怪人の素晴らしさをお伝えします。とにかく、舞台芸術と、クリスティーナの歌声は、私が知る限り群を抜いています。冒頭に書いた深い感動や衝撃が走る秀逸な作品、私では書ききれないため、是非とも劇場に行って一度見てみて下さい!Her Majesty’s Theatreにて上演中です。

◆Mamma Mia! (28th December 2015, Monday)
 This famous musical was premiered in London in April 6, 1999, and have been performed for a long time.
 This is story of 2 women; Donna (mother) and Sophie (daughter; who will be married soon). I like its delightful atmosphere of south island and brilliant songs (ABBA’s). And changing my point of view, this story is also about 2 women’s overcoming their difficulty, with smiling, and singing, and dancing! Indeed, they had gumption!! I am always laughing, being moved to tears, and feeling satisfied for getting my “gumption” from this musical. In fact, I saw the DVD movie performed by Meryl Streep many times. This musical is one of the most favorite ones. So, this is one of my dreams to watch this in the theater.
 At the moment the first sound reached to my ears, I was taken into the attractive musical world. Lastly all customers were dancing with actors with the sounds of “Dancing Queen” and “Mamma Mia”.
 第一音が聞こえたところから既にマンマミーア!の世界に引き込まれます。最後は、Dancing Queenや有名なMamma Miaの曲にのって会場中が盛大に盛り上がりました。

 This musical always be performed in nice theater; Novello Theater. Walking along Long Acre from Covent Garden toward Drury Lane, turning right and walking along Drury Lane, turning right and going into Russel street, sudden turning left (at the corner of Theater Royal Drury Lane)...it is not so difficult way to arrive. Also, staffs of box office were very kind and reliable.
 こちらは、ノヴェロシアターという素敵な劇場で公演されています。Covent GardenよりLond Acre沿いに歩き、突き当たったDrury Laneを右折してしばらくしたら右手にあるRussel streetを右折し、直ぐに見えてくるTheater Royal Drury Laneを左折します。比較的簡単にたどり着きました。なお、ボックスオフィスの方がとても親切に対応してくださいました。

 London has been in Christmas mood yet. Therefore, theater prepared Christmas Mince Pie and Winter warm Pimm’s. I felt Mamma Mia’s delightful atmosphere, and delicious winter warm sweets and drinks.

◆Miss Saigon (2nd, January, 2016, Saturday)
 This musical consists of songs like opera. This was premiered in London’s west end (Drury Lane) in 1989 and ended in 2001. Fortunately, it is performed again from May 2014 because of cerebration of 25 years after premiering.
 It is said that the theme of the musical is based on Puccini’s opera’s subject. This story reflects real state of Vietnam War.
 このミュージカルはオペラのように音楽による構成部分が多く、音楽好きにとってはとても魅力のある作品です。舞台はベトナム戦争の頃、作品のテーマは、よくプッチーニのオペラをベースにしていると言われています。ロンドンのDrury Laneで1989年に初演され、2001年に終わってしまったのですが、25周年を記念し再び2014年よりロンドンで上映されているのは私にとって幸運でした。
 The most superior point of this musical was marvelous expression and strong voice of Kim. I was really moved from her voice and performance so much that I forgot time passing. Also, I felt Vietnam’s strong passion toward desiring peace.
 This story was very severe. However, sometimes main player called “The Engineer” performed funny expression. These made us laugh. So this musical was not only misery but also bringing some power toward “living” to us.
Also, I would like to refer to marvelous theatrical art. It was detail and reflects real Vietnamese atmosphere when this country was in a war.

 This musical will be finished the first of February. I strongly recommend to watch it before it would be finished.

 This is performed in Prince Edward Theatre. This theatre was little large and very nice. However, the way toward this theatre could be difficult for some persons. I lost my way. I strongly recommend to check the map in advance.
(I tried to be there from Covent Garden. However, I suppose I would rather go from Piccadilly Circus station.)

◆Nutcracker (Ballet) (30th December, 2015, Wednesday)
 くるみ割り人形(バレエ) 平成27年12月30日(水)
   This ballet show is typical Christmas ballet show in Europa. It is good for watching around Christmas season. Some songs may be famous in Japan. Because one of the best professional figure skate player Mao Asada was performing marvelously with the tune of “Nutcracker”.
 Especially, dance of mirlitons and Flower waltz was amazing! Indeed, Ballerina’s dancing performance for “dance of mirlitons” was exceptional.
This ballet was performed at London Coliseum in London. It is near Charing Cross Station. Needless to say, theatrical art is worth while watching.
 特に、葦笛の踊りのバレリーナの技術は秀逸、花のダンスの華やかさは、ついつい引き込まれてしまう素晴らしさです。舞台技術も、一見の価値ありです。場所はCharing Cross駅近くのLondon Coliseunです。

 This theater has beautiful interior. We definitely enjoyed the show of great story, performance, music, and also, a glass of champagne in interval.

 I found 2 types of Christmas tree at this theater.

◆Raven Girl (Ballet) (8th October, 2015)

 I referred it before and this story was very difficult to understand. And sometimes I felt scary of it. But performance of the ballerina was good, and theatrical art was great.
 This was performed by Royal Barret at Royal Opera House. This house has beautiful building and fashionable ticket!