
The starting date of my study 勉強開始

<The starting date of my study>

 It is British style breakfast. So nice!!

 On the day following arrival date, my study program was started.
  Firstly, I tried to greet my teachers. But…I couldn’t find proper words…For example, how should I say “これからお世話になります。よろしくお願い申し上げます。” in English??? I always say like that in Japan. But….ummmm…
(According to my dictionary and my poor knowledge, I could say “Thank you for all of your support and I understand I am under the care of you, now and in the future. So, thank you so much. I never want to put you to trouble. But if you continue to support me, I would greatly appreciate.” ????  …too long. And I don’t know it is correct. Even now!)
 到着翌日、直ぐに勉強開始。本日はお世話になる方々にご挨拶をすべく、皆さまのところに赴いたが・・・ “これからお世話になります。よろしくお願い申し上げます。”が英語で言えず、玉砕しました・・・みんな良い方々だったから、にこやかだったけど・・・先が思いやられるのでした。。。上記は自分なりに考えた駄文。おそらく間違っているので、良いアドバイスをお待ちしております。

I was walking around London with my Japanese senior. And I found cute station!! How pretty it is!
この日は日本人の先輩にロンドン市内を少し案内していただきました。と、可愛い駅発見!Swiss Cottageって、名前と駅の外観と両方素敵!!

>Dear (my senior)
 I would like to say thank you so much. I could find rice, sake, soya sauce, vinegar and Japanese soup stock…Furthermore, I got them cheaper than usual because you give information about bargain….Thank you so much!!

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