
British food 3-1; Enjoy a snack in a local shop, イギリスのグルメ情報 第3弾(いわゆるイギリスのローカルフード的なもの特集 その1

March, 2016

 I have found a lot of delicious things in London. I would like to share this nice information for you.

<Breakfast in UK>
Just like rumors, UK’s breakfast is delicious. It is said that some European counties including UK have no custom to have much food for their dinner. It may be reason why UK’s breakfast is so gorgeous.
 Traditionally, in the breakfast, there are some sliced of baked bread-and-butter, fired-egg, mushroom fried with butter, baked tomatoes, bacon or sausage, Heinz boiled beans, and a cup of tea or coffee.


 For me, the best breakfast is the one (above picture) in “Regency cafe”. It is located near Tate Britain. It takes only around 15 min from Pimlico tube station.
URL: http://regencycafe.co.uk/
一番美味しかったのは、Pimlico駅から徒歩15分程の場所(Tate Britain近く)にあるリージェンシーカフェでいただいたもの(上に掲載した写真)なので、URLを記載しておきます。


 These delicious food makes you happy. I promise you!
 I have challenged to make my breakfast everyday. I am enjoying it as if I am a character of the “Howl’s moving castle” (which is Japanese famous animation film based on the great British novel.).

<Vegetables (mushrooms, potatoes, tomatoes, and so on…>
It must be important to know about how vegetables are inexpensive and fresh to live in London. For example, a package of mushrooms costs less than 1 pound. Surprisingly, 2 kg of potatoes cost only 50 pence in Tesco at a bargain.
(外食が決して安くはない)ロンドンで生き抜くためには、英国の野菜が如何に新鮮で安いのかを知っておくことが重要と思われます。例えばマッシュルームは1パック1ポンド(170円ぐらい)以下、ジャガイモに至っては、テスコ (Tesco) において2kg 50ペンス(80円ぐらい)というとんでもない金額で売られているのを目にしたことがあります。

This is fried mushroom with olive oil, onion and vinegar (Cyprus dish).


This is mushroom soup. I had it in canteen in my school for the first time.

I always sweat potatoes and bake them.

 And my favorite is to make tomato soup with Knorr soup cube, black pepper and kumin. Of course, I always buy “80 pence per 6” tomatoes!

<Cornish Pasty>
After I arrived at London, I tried to have it firstly. Because my English teacher from UK recommend me have it.
 It is a traditional Cornish meat pie. And I recommend you try it at least once. Taste is so nice. Hot mushed potatoes, stirred onions, minced meat or pork or ram, and sometimes another vegetables are wrapped by delicious pie. It is good especially for breakfast in a long distance train. Also, you can enjoy it with London pride (beer) or Pear Cider in cold winter.

These are pasty purchased in Cotswolds, Hartfield village and Bedford. 



You can find it in the Cornish pasty station in London; Waterloo, Victoria station, Kings cross, Charing Cross station, and so on (Or you can find it in Waitrose as well).
 一度は試すべき美味しい、どこかほっとする味のするこちらは、ロンドン内でもあちこちで売られており、少なくともWaterloo, Victoria station, Kings cross, Charing Cross 駅内にはパスティステーションがあり、購入が可能でした。


Near Victoria station

Charing Cross


It has half-moon shape to eat it easier. It seems to be eaten by workers during their short lunch time or their rest time in the past. Workers were busy like we are!

 <Alcohol drink (Beer, wine, Cider)>
 When I visited Waitrose and look for British traditional beer for the first time, a gentle man (a customer) next to me said “London pride” is highly recommended. Indeed, it is great ale beer, consistent with British food.

 Also, wine in UK is nice as well although few people know about it. Some tour guide recommend sparkling wine like Nyetimber. Unfortunately, I have no chance to try it. But I found my favorite in Borough market; “Elderly flower” and “Traditional Mead”.
 These are from Devon. Elderly flower has gorgeous taste like beautiful flower. It is not so strong. So I enjoyed it with afternoon tea party in my house. Traditional Mead is like a “Madame Rosmerta's oak-matured mead” in Harry Potter. It is sweet. It may good for sore throat. And the color is gold…shop assistant said this kind of wine was drank by pirates. This wine is consistent with delicious dinner course. I enjoyed it as pre-dinner aperitif, and dessert wine.
 And, for Christmas season, hot mulled wine is great as well!
  あまり知られていませんが、実は英国産のワインは美味しいです。スパークリングワインが有名であり、ツアーガイドさんからは「Nyetimber」を勧められました。私はこちらをいただく機会は残念ながらなかったのですが、「Borough Market」のワインを売っているお店(2つあるうちの左側)で購入したElderly Flowerは花のような気高い香りがして、アフタヌーンティー時のシャンパンの代わりにいただくのが良く、蜂蜜酒(Meadワイン)は、ハリーポッターに出てくるマダムロスメルタの塾生オーク樽ハチミツ酒を思わせる濃厚な味わいであり、少し豪華な晩御飯の食前酒かデザートワインにお勧めです。お店のヒトの説明では、ハチミツ酒は海賊が好んで飲んでいたらしいです。あと、個人的には、のどの痛みにも効くような・・・。
 これ以外にも、クリスマス時に良く出る温かいワイン(Mulled wine)も、魅力的ですよね!

Lastly, some of my friends recommended Cider for me. My English teacher from UK recommend me try 2 flavors of cider; passion fruit and pear. I bought them for my Christmas party and enjoyed them!

 最後に、友人に勧められたサイダー (Cider)は、ウェイトローズで洋ナシ味とパッションフルーツ味を購入し、クリスマス時にいただきました。癖が無く、ジュースのようにすっと飲むことが出来ます。

 In UK, people have enjoyed various kinds of tea. According to my experience, English breakfast is a little bit strong. So you should try it in the morning. Or if you just arrived at London, you should try another one firstly. I love drinking English Breakfast with baked scone and clotted cream and jam. It may be traditional style. Also, I found some kinds of herb tea in Whittard. During winter, it is nice to have a cup of herb tea in my room.
 イギリスのお茶といっても多種多様ですが、イギリスで良く好まれているのはEnglish Breakfastという紅茶かと思います。多少強いので、最初は別の種類を試して徐々に慣らしても良いです。焼き立てのスコーンにclotted cream(クロテッドクリーム)とジャムを付け、イングリッシュブレックファストとともにいただくのは、格別です・・・。その他、ハーブティーという選択肢もあります。こちらはWhittardというお店で購入。冬中、良い香りと温かいハーブティーを楽しんでいました。

  There are some famous tea shops in London; Fortnum & Mason (My neighborhood recommend strawberry tea. Its flavor is so nice. And royal blend is nice as well! Also, scone in F&M is amazing!!), HR Higgins (you can find it along Duke St. around Bond Street Station), and Postcard teas (you can send tea box as postcard to another country!!). Another my favorite one is “Everyday” of Twinning. It is inexpensive. You can find it in Waitrose.

HR Higgins

Postcard Teas

 ショップとして有名なのはフォートナム&メイソン(Green Park駅・Piccadilly Circus駅から徒歩で行ける。お勧めはロイヤルブレンドとストロベリーティーと、テイクアウト可能な美味しいチョコレートと、量り売りのチョコレート。)だが、これは日本にもお店が出ていて購入できます。むしろ、Bond Street駅を出て左に歩きデュークストリートに入ったら左手に見えてくるHR Higginsや、同じくBond Street駅近く(右側)にあるNew Bond Streetを暫く行って左折したところにあるPostcard Teas(日本向けにポストカードに詰まった紅茶の贈り物ができる!)の方が、お勧めです。また、Waitroseで買うTwiningのEverydayという種類の紅茶は安くて美味しいので、愛飲していました。

住所:79 Duke Street, London W1K 5AS
営業時間:9:30~18:00(平日) 10:00~(土曜日) 休み(日・祝)

営業時間:10:30~18:30(平日、土曜日) 休み(日・祝)

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